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This Marketplace App installs the OpenLiteSpeed web server, WordPress, the LiteSpeed caching plugin for Wordpress, as well as other necessary software. Together, these applications provide an accelerated hosting platform for WordPress. OpenLiteSpeed is the open source edition of the LiteSpeed web server. It combines speed, security, scalability, optimization, and simplicity in one friendly open-source package.

Deploying a Marketplace App

The Linode Marketplace allows you to easily deploy software on a Compute Instance using the Cloud Manager. See Get Started with Marketplace Apps for complete steps.

  1. Log in to the Cloud Manager and select the Marketplace link from the left navigation menu. This displays the Linode Create page with the Marketplace tab pre-selected.

  2. Under the Select App section, select the app you would like to deploy.

  3. Complete the form by following the steps and advice within the Creating a Compute Instance guide. Depending on the Marketplace App you selected, there may be additional configuration options available. See the Configuration Options section below for compatible distributions, recommended plans, and any additional configuration options available for this Marketplace App.

  4. Click the Create Linode button. Once the Compute Instance has been provisioned and has fully powered on, wait for the software installation to complete. If the instance is powered off or restarted before this time, the software installation will likely fail.

To verify that the app has been fully installed, see Get Started with Marketplace Apps > Verify Installation. Once installed, follow the instructions within the Getting Started After Deployment section to access the application and start using it.

Estimated deployment time: OpenLiteSpeed WordPress should be fully installed within 2-5 minutes after the Compute Instance has finished provisioning.

Configuration Options

  • Supported distributions: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, Debian 11, Debian 10, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, CentOS 7
  • Recommended minimum plan: All plan types and sizes can be used.

Getting Started After Deployment

  1. Log in to your Compute Instance over SSH. See Connecting to a Remote Server Over SSH for assistance. Once logged in, you should see output that contains links to your new site, phpmyadmin, and details about the software configuration (and location) on your server.

  2. You are then prompted to enter the domain you’d like to use for this instance. You can optionally use a custom domain provided you’ve already configured the A Records to point to this server’s IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Otherwise, you can skip this by pressing CTRL+C which will use the IP address or default RDNS of the Compute Instance.

    For more documentation on how to assign a domain to your Linode, please review the DNS Manager guide for instructions on setting up your DNS records in the Cloud Manager, and read through DNS Records: An Introduction for general information about how DNS works.
  3. Apply the Let’s Encrypt SSL if your domain is pointed to the server already. Enter y and type your email address.

    A message that reads Certificate has been successfully installed..... appears. If you’d like to force HTTPS rewrites, enter y again at the prompt.

  4. Proceed through any remaining prompts, using whichever options you wish.

Configure WordPress

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to your Compute Instance’s IPv4 address or the custom domain you are using. The following page appears:

  2. Select your preferred language and click the Continue button.

  3. The next page should be the Welcome page. Type the required details to complete the installation, save the password in a secure location and click the Install WordPress button.

Software Included

The OpenLiteSpeed WordPress Marketplace App installs the following required software on your Linode:

MariaDB ServerRelational database server forked from MySQL.
PHP 8Common programming language for web applications.
OpenLiteSpeedOpen source web server based on LiteSpeed.
WordPressPopular content management system (CMS) for building websites.
LiteSpeed CacheCache management plugin for WordPress.

Currently, Linode does not manage software and systems updates for Marketplace Apps. It is up to the user to perform routine maintenance on software deployed in this fashion.

More Information

You may wish to consult the following resources for additional information on this topic. While these are provided in the hope that they will be useful, please note that we cannot vouch for the accuracy or timeliness of externally hosted materials.

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